x-mas lightbox

Safety comes first

Managing Directors Felix Buß and Andreas Diekmann

NSC Sicherheitstechnik GmbH is a middle sized company located in Germany. The company was founded in 2003 by Mr. Andreas Diekmann, Mr. Felix Buß and Mr. Harald Butenuth. They brought experience in the security business of over 25 years with them. NSC is developing and manufacturing high quality fire alarm products according to DIN EN standards, VdS and ISO9001. The NSC fire control panels and devices are sold internationally and exported into more than 35 countries.

Our audio management systems are ideally synchronized and a perfect extension to fire alarm systems. Get clear announcements where many people have to be entertained, informed and possibly evacuated at different times.

Another business area of NSC is CCTV. Our brand NSC Videotechnik GmbH – which is being managed by our own association – has established itself successfully on the market during just a short time span.

Since the foundation in 2003 the NSC staff grew from 6 to more than 100 people (one fourth of them abroad). Besides the headquarter in Bielefeld 8 sales offices are located in Germany and another 7 international offices are based in Spain, the Netherlands, Italy, Portugal, Greece, Dubai and India. NSC will continue offering customer-friendly and market-oriented solutions for all areas of electronic security technology.

Image brochure >

You can find us in our new own headquarter since January 2013. Here a few impressions:



Important Information

We are moving on April 1, 2025!

After twelve years at our current location at Lange Wand 3 in Bielefeld, we inform you of an important change: We are moving! As of April 1, 2025, you will find us at our new address: Grete-Hermann-Str. 6, 33758 Schloß Holte-Stukenbrock.

More Details: >

Member of the BHE

Since its founding NSC has been a member of the BHE (Federation of Manufacturers and Installers of Security Technology), being on committees of experts and actively participating at BHE events.

Member of the Asociación Española de Sociedades de Protección contra incendios

NSC is certified according to DIN EN ISO 9001 (only Headquarter Bielefeld)
Certificate >

© 2020 | NSC Sicherheitstechnik GmbH | Lange Wand 3 | 33719 Bielefeld | This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. | +49 (0) 521 13629-0